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Why Flexible Leasing Plans are Perfect for Startups in South Africa

With each passing day, more South African businesses are moving into flexible office spaces. Despite the obvious benefits of back-up power, outsourced cleaning, and 24-hour security, flexible offices allow companies the ability to save on one of the most expensive aspects of business, leasing.

When purchasing office space, businesses are often caught off-guard by the unexpected maintenance and general running costs of a building. From landscaping to security and alarm systems, there is no shortage of bills to be paid.  Renting is a viable alternative, but this often comes with lengthy lease periods. This is where flexible workspaces come in.

1. Scalability

SMEs have a significant load to bear when it comes to conducting business in South Africa. Factors such as crime, load shedding, and the weakening Rand make scaling their operations complicated and risky. Your company is growing but it is it the right call to move to a bigger building? What if there is a structural issue and you’re locked into a 5-year lease?

Flexible office leasing options are an excellent choice because not only do you get more freedom in terms of your lease duration, but you also have the ability to add or remove capacity as your business changes.

2. Risk Reduction for SMEs

This flexibility is particularly beneficial for Small to Medium Enterprises where long-term financial commitments are incredibly risky considering South Africa’s economic climate, never mind the challenges associated with running a business as is.

Entrepreneurs, freelancers, and SMEs are great examples of people that benefit from a flexible office. There is also the added benefit of being able to network with fellow business owners in a serviced office space.

3. Shortened Commitment Periods for SMEs

Flexible or virtual offices often come with a better variety of leasing options. From month-to-month plans to three, six, and twelve month leases – there is no shortage of flexibility. This shortened commitment period gives SMEs and larger businesses alike the benefits of having a fixed office, with a much lower risk.

4. Easier Entry to Market

It can be difficult to justify a dedicated office as one person or a small, dynamic team. Tradesmen such as plumbers and electricians may also want a space where they can focus on the behind-the-scenes work.

International startups and new businesses looking to hit the ground running will have an easier entry to their market when choosing a flexible workspace. This allows them to establish a local presence while minimising overhead and startup costs.

5. Testing If Your Current Office Is Right for You

Flexible leasing also allows you to test whether an office space works for you. Everything from restrooms and refreshments to furniture and meeting rooms are included when you utilise a flexible workspace. This means that all you need to bring is yourself and any equipment you need to work.

South Africa’s business world is dynamic and difficult to navigate at times. This requires agile business leaders and equally adaptable solutions. Flexible leasing plans such as those offered by Infinity Serviced Offices in Fourways, Johannesburg not only mitigate the risks associated with long-term leases, but also streamline your entry to market and daily operations.

Our flexible workspaces, which include hot desks or private offices, allow you to focus your business’s energy on what you do best. With a virtual office, you can leave the worry of fixed and operational costs behind. Not only do our solutions reduce financial risk, they also allow you the comfort of testing your workspace before you make any commitments.